Multi projects
Multi Asset
General Partner, Londres
We worked for a leading London-based management company investing in financial services and technology sectors across Europe. Over the course of external acquisitions, she was tired of having to pay fees to different technology platforms in order to consolidate her data and therefore decided to group them all into 1. He wanted software that could do RE, PE, PD, fund of funds and direct.
Avec ses différents bureaux, ce client avait besoin de consolider ses systèmes d’informations et ainsi réduire le temps nécessaire pour produire ses quarterly reports. Il fallait s’adapter aux contraintes des équipes (taille hétérogène) et règlementaires (4 pays).
With its different offices, this client needed to consolidate its information systems and thus reduce the time required to produce its quarterly reports. It was necessary to adapt to the constraints of the teams (heterogeneous size) and regulatory (4 countries).
Consolidated data from the different offices is now released in 1 click. Multi gaap accounting allows the performance of different teams to be compared and software costs and maintenance have been significantly reduced.